Revell 1:72 Focke Wulf Ta 152 H 00981 Aircraft illustration D. Frka |
Revell 1:72 Focke Wulf Ta 152 H 03981 Skill level 3 |
This is a model I've wanted to build for a long time, the Kurt Tank designed Focke Wulf Ta-152H. It looks like no other fighter plane with the sailplane-like wings. So it was a nice coincidence for Revell to re-release the old Frog kit of this subject. Built out-of-the-box except wing guns and leftover tail swastikas (which may not be the right kind & size for this particular plane, but didn't want to end up buying a whole sheet of these 'evil' markings...)
Again an old kit that was really enjoyable to build and looks like a really nice Ta-152H to my eye when finished, even with those raised panel lines and all that stuff. There are slight washes to enhance these lines, the only details I sanded away were fictional circular details on wing undersides.
At first I thought about doing the vintage Frog instructions camouflage and markings but I wonder if the RLM 74/75/76 scheme was really used as late as 1945 for the latest and finest Luftwaffe "Butcher Bird". It's certainly not impossible, but on the other hand there really was a Luftwaffe full orange-red painted Ta-152H like this model, with the possible inaccuracy of the actual color used, of course.
Eagle Cals Decals suggest FS21310 but I think Humbrol 100 works just fine.
"Orange-Red Ta 152, a striking Ta 152 H flown by the Kommodore of JG 301
Obslt. Fritz Auffhammer on 22 March 1945 to the Luftwaffe proving ground
at Rechlin, Germany, returning this aircraft along with complaints of
construction problems and unfulfilled delivery dates. The purpose of ths
bright Orange-Red color was to prevent trigger-happy German flak
gunners from shooting down this unusual Luftwaffe fighter. On this
flight Auffhammer was escorted by Hptm. Roderich Cescotti who flew Fw
190 D-9 "Green 1". Recommended FS number 21310 for the Orange-Red color" (Coopersmodels.com)