Thursday, 7 January 2010

Finnish Air Force Brewster B-239 1/72 Revell

This kit is the infamous FAF decal boxing of a Revell oldie, the "Rivet Monster". Built straight out-of-the-box but with a twist, instead of the camouflage scheme this is how the planes looked right after the transfer flight from Sweden.

Didn't do any major surgery, just improved tiny things like the cabin interior and such. The wing is too narrow, fuselage too short, stabilisers are wrong shape etc. so too much work for a small scale model.

I doubt if this model would be any more accurate with British roundels and RAF Asian camouflage, but the kit was cheap and it's not totally awful for a Brewster.

I mean, it clearly isn't a Hurricane or a Messerschmitt, right?

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